Registration Process
To register for SkillStack® you will need the unique identifier provided you by your teacher or institution, usually your state EDUID.
You will also need to provide the system with a user name and password. Once you have entered in this information as well as your first name and last name,
click on the register button. The system will then seek to verify your account based on your first name, last name and unique identifier.
If the system is able to identify you, your account will be created and you will be logged in. If the system is unable to verify
you or the user name already exists, you will get an error and be asked to try again
Reasons the system might not be able to verify you:
- You entered your name differently than it is stored in the system i.e. you entered Sam but the system has your full name Samwise.
You have entered an incorrect identifier. If you are having trouble registering,
check with your teacher to make sure the information you are using matches what is in the system.